What is CSRD? And does it apply to you?
In his presentation, David Janků from the consultancy firm Frank Bold Advisory will guide you through the new regulation in the field of ESG reporting – the CSRD directive, the accompanying ESRS standards, the SFDR regulation and outline the further development of the emergence of sectoral standards for selected industries. These are currently being developed by EFRAG – an advisory body of the European Commission, in which Frank Bold is represented. Starting in 2026, all companies with more than 250 employees, turnover over CZK 1 billion or assets over CZK 500 million will have to publicly inform about their approach to ESG topics and related data. And by 2025, companies that were obliged to provide non-financial information according to the older NFRD directive will have to report. Find out what information you will need to report, when to collect data, and what direction ESG will take next.